Заполни пропуски подходящими словами и опиши семью.(рисунок) There is a ..., a ..., a ... and two childrenin the photo.

The ... is in the middle. She is very .... The ... is next to the .... He is very .... The ... is very .... Two children are ... and ..... They can't .... They a very small.
Агафонова Татьяна
24 августа

Ответ или решение

отвечает Зайцев Николай
24 августа

There is a mother, a father,
a granny and two childrenin the photo.
The mother is in the middle. She is very beautiful. The father is next to the mother.
He is very happy. The granny is very old.
Two children are a girl and a boy. They can't speak. They a very small.

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