Your British pen-friend has just returned from a week's trip to the Lake District and writes to share his impressions

with you. Write to your pen-friend about the place you would like to visit. Dwell on: • where this place is • h o w you can get there • w h y you want to visit it • which souvenirs you would like to buy. Write a letter of at least 100 words. D o not write any dates and addresses
27 июля

Ответ или решение

отвечает Авдеева Лида
31 июля
Dear friend, I'm so happy to know about your interesting trip. As for me, I want to visit China, since it's one of the oldest countries. This country is situated on the East, I can reach it by plane. I want to see The Gteat Wall most of all. It's one of famous wonders of the world. Also, I want to buy Chinese souvenirs for my relatives — tea for my father and silk dress for my mother. I hope I can visit China soon, and my dream comes true. Let me know if you want to join me. Best regards, your friend.

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