Read these guidelines on writing up an experiment. • Write your own report on the experiment you did in Ex. 1 or you

read about in Ex. 2B.,p.90 • You should write up your experiment under these headings: Aim Why did you do the experiment? What hypothesis were you testing? E.g. The experiment is aimed at testing the following hypothesis:... Method What did you do, and how did you do it? Give labelled diagrams where these help to explain what you did. Remember to include details of the control. E.g. To do it, ... Results As you carried out your experiment, you observed things and perhaps made measurements. These are the results. It's often convenient to put the results together in a table. Sometimes it is useful to go a step further and present the results in the form of a graph Interpretation This is where you look carefully at your results and answer the question: What do they mean? Do they show any kind of a pattern? Graphs and charts are particularly good at showing up patterns. E.g. The results obtained show that... Conclusions Do your results answer your original question? Do they support your hypothesis? E.g. Our hypothesis was proved/not proved. Remember: A negative result in science is still a result. If you wish to find a prince, be prepared to kiss many frogs. The chance of finding a prince grows each time you find a new frog. (Experimentalist folklore)
Гущин Антон
22 июля

Ответ или решение

отвечает Виктория Цветкова
22 июля

The experiment is aimed at testing the following hypothesis: why a certain type of plant
grows well in a place A but badly in place B.
To do it we have to obtain a plant and put it in the dark. If the green colour fails to develop,
we will conclude that light is needed for it. Then we must put the second plant in the light.
The second plant is called the control.
The results.
See the table.
The results obtained show that the first plant dyed out. There was too much light for it.
The second plant also faded out because of little light.
Our hypothesis was proved.

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