Помогите пожалуйста Complete the sentences with there was/were(✔) or there wasn`t/weren`t(✘). In a typical Roman house,there

were usually two or three rooms. (1)...(✘) a bathroom,but (2)... (✔) public baths in every town. (3)...(✔)usually a garden next to the house and (4)...(✔) vegetables and fruittrees there.Some Roman houses were also shops or offices,but(5)...(✘) any computers in Roman times!
12 апреля

Ответ или решение

отвечает Фролов Евгений
15 апреля
In a typical Roman house,there were usually two or three rooms. There was a bathroom, but there were not (weren't) public baths in every town. There was usually a garden next to the house and there were vegetables and fruit trees there. Some Roman houses were also shops or offices, but there weren't any computers in Roman times! (В обычном римском доме было, как правило, две или три комнаты. Была ванная комната, но общественных бань не было в каждом городе. Рядом с домом обычно располагался сад, где росло много овощей и фруктовых деревьев. Некоторые римские дома были магазинами или местом для работы, но компьютеров в римский период не было!)

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