2. Поставьте существительные в форму множественного числа 1) a sheep 2) a loaf 3) a potato 4) a mouse 5) a person 6)

a baby 7) a pair of jeans 8) a bench 9) a toy 10) a chef 3. Опишите любых три героя из списка : - Robinson Crusoe - Sherlock Holmes - Tom Sawer - Pinocchio - Huckleberry Finn - Winnie-the-Pooh Используйте слова: athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark/fair/red/grey/wavy/straight hair, short/long hair blue/grey/dark/green eyes nice freckles funny/long/turned-up nose intelligent, sociable, responsible, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, serious, talkative, lazy
30 марта

Ответ или решение

отвечает Иванов Леонид
01 апреля
1) a sheep - sheep; 2) a loaf - loaves; 3) a potato - potatoes; 4) a mouse - mice; 5) a person - persons; 6) a baby - babies; 7) a pair of jeans - pairs of jeans; 8) a bench - benches; 9) a toy - toys; 10) a chef - chefs. Sherlock Holmes is intelligent and serious. He has dark straight hair, dark eyes and a long nose. Tom Sawer is friendly but lazy. He has short red hair, green eyes and a turned-up nose with freckles. He is not obedient and not responsible. He can be naughty sometimes. Robinson Crusoe is athletic and strong. He has long wavy hair and blue eyes. He is brave and clever.

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