VIII. Выберите правильный перевод причастия I. 1. If you feel like you have a workable budget, but you have problems

executing it each month, then you may need to rethink your budgeting system. a. исполняя b. исполняют c. исполняемый 2. Each finance ministry has its own unique set of challenges depending on the country's level of wealth, debt, sovereign risk and financial sophistication. a. зависящих b. зависевших c. зависит 3. Corporate finance is an area of finance dealing with the financial decisions corporations make and the tools and analysis used to make these decisions. a. заниматься b. занимавшийся c. занимающаяся 4. An income statement is a statement explaining revenues, expenses, and profits over a certain period of time. a. объясняющий b. объясняет c. объяснив 5. Management accountants are recording the financial transactions of a company as they occur. a. записывают b. записанные c. записывая
20 мая

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отвечает Носова Мария
23 мая
1. If you feel like you have a workable budget, but you have problems executing it each month, then you may need to rethink your budgeting system. - Исполняя. 2. Each finance ministry has its own unique set of challenges depending on the country's level of wealth, debt, sovereign risk and financial sophistication. - Зависящих. 3. Corporate finance is an area of finance dealing with the financial decisions corporations make and the tools and analysis used to make these decisions. - Занимающаяся. 4. An income statement is a statement explaining revenues, expenses, and profits over a certain period of time. - Объясняющий. 5. Management accountants are recording the financial transactions of a company as they occur. - Записывают.

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