Расположи предложения в нужном порядке, чтобы получился диалог. You’re right. There’s nothing worse than a boring film.

Yes, they are. I think special effects are important in adventure films, don’t you? I couldn’t agree more. And the special effects are amazing. The Lord of the Rings is the best adventure film ever! Not always. I think a good story is more important than anything else.
Горшков Валентин
21 августа

Ответ или решение

отвечает Архипов Валерий
21 августа

1. Lord of the Rings is the best adventure film ever!

2. I couldn’t agree more. And the special effects are amazing.

3. Yes, they are. I think special effects are important in adventure films, don’t you?

4. Not always. I think a good story is more important than anything else.

5. You’re right. There's nothing worse than a boring film.

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