Определите залог (Active Voice или Passive Voice) и время глагола, как показано в образце: Will have got (Active Voice,

Future Perfect) Will send, were being sent, would have been sent, will have sent, has sent, will be sending, was sending,sends, will be sent,are sent.
28 ноября

Ответ или решение

отвечает Кудряшов Матвей
30 ноября

1. Will send - Active Voice, Future Simple.
2. Were being sent - Passive Voice, Past Continuous.
3. Would have been sent - Passive Voice, Future Perfect in the past.
4. Will have sent - Active Voice, Future Perfect.
5. Has sent - Active Voice, Present Perfect.
6. Will be sending - Active Voice, Future Continuous.
7. Was sending - Active Voice, Past Continuous.
8. Sends - Active Voice, Present Simple.
9. Will be sent - Passive Voice, Future Simple.
10. Are sent - Passive Voice, Present Simple. 

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