Choose one of the topics and write an essay (200 words). • Why science is different from / similar to other careers.

• Why a scientific career is attractive / not attractive to me.
Панфилов Артём
12 августа

Ответ или решение

отвечает Герасимов Виктор
12 августа

Why a scientific career is attractive to me?
Have you ever considered becoming a scientist?
There are many advantages and disadvantages to doing this kind of job?
One of the main advantages of being a scientist is that you can work at home or in your own
lab. Furthermore, you have quite a lot of opportunities to upgrade your knowledge, to participate
in different experiments, do different kinds of researches.
However there are disadvantages to becoming a scientist. Firstly, you must plan your
time thoroughly because researches take quite a lot of time. Secondly, you must find
money for your researches.
In addition to this, I must say, that scientists arc not always well-paid.
All things considered, becoming a scientist is a good idea, as long as you are aware
of the drawbacks.

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